Verani Realty Commercial Division

Market Monday: July 2020 Retail Update

July showed some promising numbers when we took a look at our monthly report!

The number of lease transactions are (WAY) up from last month. On top of lease transactions being up, we also saw that leases were being signed at 107% of the asking lease rate which is good news for landlords!

Some stores only JUST started letting people in again in early to mid-July while there are still other retailers that are not even open yet. Many restaurants in NH have opted to just not open at all instead of opening at 50% capacity because they ran the numbers and determined it would put them in a worse spot if they opened up only partially. Other restaurants are still doing takeout only, when they have traditionally had dine-in eating available.

The next 12-18 months are really all up in the air as far as the future of retail and restaurants.